Support that drives adherence
It is estimated that three million patients in the US qualify for HCC surveillance.1 However, overall surveillance utilization is estimated to be less than 30%2

The Oncoguard® Liver solution offers a Patient Engagement Program
Patient engagement and outreach programs have been shown to increase patient adherence to HCC surveillance.5,6,7 Tested interventions such as EMR reminders and mailed outreach have demonstrated to increase relative surveillance utilization by 60%-80%.2
Our tailored Patient Engagement Program was designed to help support patients adhere to routine HCC testing through:
The Oncoguard® Liver solution. Exactly what’s needed today.
Find out why Exact Sciences is on a collective journey to detect HCC earlier.
References: 1. Beste LA, Ioannou GN, Yang Y, et al. Improved surveillance for hepatocellular carcinoma with a primary care-oriented clinical reminder. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2015;13(1):172-179. 2. Wolf E, Rich NE, Marrero JA, et al. Utilization of hepatocellular carcinoma surveillance in patients with cirrhosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Hepatology. Published online May 8, 2020; 10.1002/hep.31309. 3. Farvardin S, Patel J, Khambaty M, et al. Patient-reported barriers are associated with lower hepatocellular carcinoma surveillance rates in patients with cirrhosis. Hepatology. 2017;65(3):875-884. 4. Simmons OL, Feng Y, Parikh ND, et al. Primary care provider practice patterns and barriers to hepatocellular carcinoma surveillance. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2019;17(4):766-773. 5. Rahib L, Smith BD, Aizenberg R, et al. Projecting cancer incidence and deaths to 2030: the unexpected burden of thyroid, liver, and pancreas cancers in the United States. Cancer Res. 2014;74(11):2913-2921. 6. Desai A, Sandhu S, Lai JP, et al. Hepatocellular carcinoma in non-cirrhotic liver: a comprehensive review. World J Hepatol. 2019;11(1):1-18. 7. Younossi Z, Stepanova M, Ong JP, et al. Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis is the fastest growing cause of hepatocellular carcinoma in liver transplant candidates. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2019;17(4):748-755.e3.