Exact Sciences is dedicated to supporting professional education and being a trusted source of information about early cancer detection and related topics.
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Find relevant and clinically meaningful insights about liver diseases, liver cancer, and what the Oncoguard® Liver solution has to offer.

Scientifically sound research is the foundation of clinically meaningful innovation. In the following publications, clinicians can find information about the performance of the Oncoguard® Liver test across the discovery, development, and validation pathway.
This listing of publications is provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only. Any opinions expressed in a given publication are the opinions of the author(s) and may not reflect the opinions of Exact Sciences. Exact Sciences makes no promise or guarantees regarding outcomes through the use of the Oncoguard® Liver test and none should be implied. These publications may be funded or sponsored, in whole or in part, by Exact Sciences, as noted in the disclosures.

Blog Insights
Medical information is constantly evolving. Stay up to date on the latest news about liver disease, HCC risk and surveillance, and other related topics. Check in regularly or sign up to be notified when new posts are added to our blog.