Oncoguard® Liver test ordering

Convenient ordering processes that work with your workflow
The Oncoguard® Liver test can be ordered in one of two ways:
Ordering with a Requisition Form
Ordering through EpicCare® LinkTM
Some health plans may require prior authorization for the Oncoguard® Liver test. Prior authorization should be completed prior to specimen collection. A signed Advance Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage (ABN) is required for standard Medicare plans.

Oncoguard® Liver test results
Oncoguard® Liver test results are generated in a format that’s easy to read and understand and will typically be:
In rare instances, a technical failure or insufficient clinical material in the sample yields an invalid result.
False positive and false negative results are possible with the Oncoguard® Liver test. In the clinical lab validation study, the false positive rate was 13% and the false negative rate was 12%.1

We are here to support smooth test ordering, collection, processing, and reporting.
Contact the Customer Care Center at 1-844-870-8870 or fill out a form to request a visit with a representative.
The Oncoguard® Liver solution. Exactly what’s needed today.
Learn more about insurance coverage and billing for the Oncoguard® Liver solution.
References: 1. Chalasani NP, Porter K, Bhattacharya A, Book AJ, Neis BM, Xiong KM, Ramasubramanian TS, Edwards V DK, Chen I, Johnson S, Roberts LR, Kisiel JB, Reddy KR, Singal AG, Olson MC, Bruinsma JJ, Validation of a novel multi-target blood test shows high sensitivity to detect early-stage hepatocellular carcinoma, Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology (2021)