The Oncoguard® Liver test was designed to deliver a high level of accuracy with enhanced sensitivity for detection of early-stage HCC.1
Robustly designed for early detection of HCC in real-world settings

At 87% specificity, the Oncoguard® Liver test demonstrates:

Validation of the test demonstrated high performance compared with:

Ongoing clinical trials
Learn more about the clinical trials the Oncoguard® Liver solution is currently engaged in.

Survival rates for patients with HCC are improved with early-stage detection
Five-year survival rate for those who are diagnosed at an early stage and undergo curative therapy
Five-year survival rate for those diagnosed at late stage2
The Oncoguard® Liver solution. Exactly what’s needed today.
Learn more about the scientific rigor behind the Oncoguard® Liver test.
References: 1. Chalasani NP, Porter K, Bhattacharya A, Book AJ, Neis BM, Xiong KM, Ramasubramanian TS, Edwards V DK, Chen I, Johnson S, Roberts LR, Kisiel JB, Reddy KR, Singal AG, Olson MC, Bruinsma JJ, Validation of a novel multi-target blood test shows high sensitivity to detect early-stage hepatocellular carcinoma, Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology (2021) 2. Liver cancer survival rates. American Cancer Society. Revised January 29, 2021. Accessed April 18, 2024.